
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Recent Dream September 2017

Shalom and Good Evening:

Recently I had a very vivid dream of Rockets being launched and something more interesting was that the Actor Martin Sheen was something of a Presidential Figure with-in this dream. I wanted to share some thoughts about this dream and what the real connection could be hypothetically and in real time.

Outside of this dream that I experienced, we are seeing in real time a nuclear threat with North Korea being focused on, as well as heavy talk from our political leaders to political leaders inside Iran  about the Nuclear Deal that was made by the previous administration being carefully looked at to be pulled out of by the USA.

With all this talk , to my own, not so surprised to have a dream about missles being launched. The real surpise to me is that  of Martin Sheen in the dream having a connection within the dream. So I looked up Martin Sheen's movies and He played a role as  Robert Kennedy, the then US General Attorney brother to President John Kennedy in the movie called " The Missles of October." A docudrama about the cuban missle crissis.

That is what caught my attention about this dream. We know that the cuban Missle crisis had connections with russian missles being stage right off the USA coastline about 90 miles away in cuba.  This was a huge and great threat to America.

We also know factually that Russia has partnered up in Syria, in real time, with Iran to help recover Syria. We also know that many of the groups fighting in the Syrian civil war are trying to overthrow the sitting regime . We know that the previous US Presidential Administration helped fund many of the rebels groups that took part in this civil war. The Group known as ISIS grew out of the Sryina Rebel forces and had made another agenda too. Russia has teamed up with Iran in Syria to help restore Assad as well as destroy ISIS.

We also know that Iran, North Korea as well as Syria have been trading , selling and helping each other with Missle technology, Chemical weapons and nuclear enrichment for weapons technology to be placed on a nuclear warheads . All these are factual events happening in realtime.

Hypothetically , we could be seeing a type of Cuban missle crisis event(s) happening. Especailly North Korea testing Missles  over Japan with the news stating that thier tests results have proven that the distance of these missles can reach into the USA. They are now able to reach out and Touch someone. We have been hereing Threats from North Korea about their "Gift packages" to the USA if we were to provoke them. We have heard that President Trump take a very hard line with them too.

Its interesting that the times we are living in are seeming like a repeat of History to me. Growing up in South Florida , I was born in the late 60's all I heard about for many years was the Cuban missle crisis. Now seemingly again its the same type of crisis, just not in Cuba.

For me , what I do know , is that I am not to take any of these events lightly. Its just more confirmation about living a Holy and Godly life. About walking with God. Being prayerful about all the events unfolding. Praying for the needs of those who are in need and for our protection and salvation in Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus  Christ). Yeshua stated when we see these things to look up our redemption draws near ( Luke 21:28)! These are the very real and serious times of knowing that God hold all things together and He is looking for you to walk with Him. Amen!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

L'Shanah Tova; Happy Rosh HaShanah

The Gospel Of Mathew Chapter 6 verse 33:

Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus Christ the Messiah ) is speaking about prayer and says to us:

Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God in Heaven AND ALL HIS Righousness and ALL things will be given to you as well.

Shalom and Good Morning;

Tonight begins the season of the what is termed the High Holy days to begin with Rosh Hashanah, meaning Head of the year or the Begining of the New year.

The reason this is so important to us biblically speaking , it is where God commands us as a reminder to do certain things once a year.

"On the first day of the seventh month hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work.  It is a day for you to sound the trumpets
[Yom Teruah]."  (Numbers 29:1)

None of these commands have been erased. Its a time of celebration and reflection . A time for prayer and thanking God for the previous year as well as the new year. As believers in Yeshua Hamoshiach, we are to continually bow our hearts before the Lord and reflect in prayer upon our actions from our previous year's behavoirs and what was on our hearts. What our actions reflected upon us and the Lord. Its a time of true quiet between us and God and bowing in prayer.

The reason God gives us this command is because he wants us to be reminded that there is a time of judgement , reflection, retrospection , worship, and accountability. It is not just another silly holiday to go to church or Temple to check off a box. Its a time to come to God and reflect upon our actions that your heart has led you and see if they line up with God's Righteousness. To see where we can correct and lean on God more so our hearts are not led astray.

These are things we should be doing daily in Prayer anyways, however, this is Gods Timing and reminder to reflect on the whole totality of our life so we can move foward into the new year and have our names written on God's Book of Life.

We as believers in God through the redemption of Christ should not take these things lightly. Just because Yeshua paid the price of sin doesnt mean their isn't a price to pay as well. Our price is to take up our Cross if we want to be Yeshua's follower . That means to humble ourselves in humilty and fight against what the worlds view of life.

God realizes that were human but he commands us to live a holy and perfect life in and through Him . This brings us to the High holy days, to allow our reflection of our life to be compared and contrasted on how God would look at our behavoirs  of our heart's and our attitudes towards Him as a Holy God, and a reflection of Him as a Holy God through how we live our life.

God does set these appointed times in seasons and for His reasons. We do see much crazy things happening around us all the time. We see the world searching and looking for what it believes to be right answers and correct decisions. However the worlds system today does not reflect Gods system. It doesnt resemble Him at  all. That is why if you call yourself one of GOD's people, we will be set apart.

In a crazy world and time frame , when , on your own, do you take time out to reflect yourself against God's Holy word and life to pray and worship God for direction and strength, to get through another year , Month, week, day , hour, minute and second and for the rest of eternity?When?

We as believers in Christ,  we also have to know, because we say we are believers, our life's actions must also reflect God and His Righteousness . Just because we can quote bible verses and see signs, doesn't mean we are reflecting upon ourselves a Holy God and purifying ourselves, in our hearts and minds for God. We must also be held accountable too. In fact our accountability will be at a higher standard then those who dont live properly and havent chosen to be set apart for God.

God sets  us apart in His way to build these fundamental blocks in our life, to be not once a year, but to be proactive and do these things all the time. So in case of our untimely death, for which no one knows the day , the time , or the hour , to include the calling up and and away of God's people , The Harpazo ( Rapture ), we will be ready. This is something that is not an easy thing to do. It has to do with taking a good spiritual look in the mirror!

I pray that you reflect this time in your life with God and have a great and blessed day and year!  Please share with others, and if you dont know Christ  and would like to you , can get a hold of me and will walk you through prayer, to come into Fellowship with our King. If you need a bible , please email me and I will send you one as a free gift.

