
Friday, January 15, 2016

Can I be a Follower of Christ AND……?

Romans 10:9 (AMP)

“ because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Believe- Strong's G4100 – pisteuō    πιστεύω (Greek)

to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in of the thing believed to credit, have confidence in a moral or religious reference used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity to be intrusted with a thing

Exodus 4:5 KJV

“That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.

Strong's H539 - 'aman  אָמַן (Hebrew)
to support, confirm, be faithful
(Qal) to support, confirm, be faithful, uphold, nourish foster-father (subst.) foster-mother, nurse pillars, supporters of the door
(Niphal) to be established, be faithful, be carried, make firm to be carried by a nurse made firm, sure, lasting confirmed, established, sure verified, confirmed reliable, faithful, trusty
(Hiphil) to stand firm, to trust, to be certain, to believe in stand firm
trust, believe

What is it to believe in YHVH (GOD, ABBA Heavenly Father), Yeshua  HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ, The Messiah)  and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit)? What does it mean to believe?

Belief is an action, a verb. It takes a person to shape himself into its understanding. It allows one to change its values, it morals its understanding into it. It doesn’t remain still or stagnant. It is what is used as a measure to of foundation to rely and trust in and of.

So when someone says they believe this or that, they trust and rely on it. They stand firm in it, in all they do for it.

So I ask you a question :

Can you believe and follow Christ and Not have a spiritual change? Can you believe and follow Christ and still sin? Can you believe and follow Christ and not be responsible for your decisions? Can you believe and Follow Christ and allow the compromise of sin in your area of responsibility and concern? Can one believe and Follow Christ and still have drunkenness abound in their life? Can you believe and follow Christ and still get High on drugs? Can one believe and follow Christ and participate in immoral behaviors, sexual misconduct , homosexuality , stealing ,lying, cheating, adverse weights and measures. Can one believe and follow Christ and allow these things to be prevalent in their lives? Can one believe and follow Christ and associate, approve of these types of behaviors ? Can one believe and follow Christ and allow this in our homes, families, rules, standards , ethics, morals , values? Can one believe and follow Christ make excuses for these types of things, behaviors, our government and the people we follow?

The Word believe is a strong word. It has much value. For me it carries a lot of weight. The reason I state this is due to my own personal experiences in coming into the belief of Jesus Christ as the true Messiah.
I was born and raised in a Jewish home.

 After leaving for the military and getting married, I came into the belief of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah. However, I knew and feared to tell my family about my new belief, faith and new understanding. I knew that my new belief made a serious change in my life. I knew that I was going to make new decisions. I knew that the old sinful things were going to have pass away. I was convicted deeply of my sin.

We can see by the mere definition of the word “belief” comes with and understanding of trusting in a faith in that it brings a statement of decision. In the scripture in romans 10:9, it being a statement of faith, holding dear to Jesus Christ in our heart of this faith.

What does this statement do for us on earth and in Heaven? Can we merely make this statement and that’s the end to it? Does it have to bring some action to it?

The action being stated is first and foremost is allowing and surrendering to God and accepting His forgiveness of sin and as well forgiving others of sin. That’s the first action to take place and for the rest of our lives to continually repeat this action as we continue to live out our lives. To continue to uproot out all areas of sin and continue the Change that manifests from following Jesus Christ. This is what God wants in our lives to be Holy and sanctified.

The problem arises when we either sin and justify it or sin and don’t know we are in sin. Everyday brings new challenges. However, God wont leave us in the dark; if we seek him he will bring us to the knowledge of the truth.

He also won’t force us to choose him. He allows us to make our choices. He is looking to bless us in all we do. However, Gods word to does not go void in any circumstance that we can think of. God commissioned us to stand firm on HIS word alone. When Man’s word comes into conflict with our belief we are called to make a choice not an excuse. That’s the mystery revealed. All sorts of spiritual and physical manifestations of belief systems are used to make choices and changes in our decisions; the only solid foundation is GODs word. That what sets everything else apart from Gods word and truth that sets us free.

Many terrible and great people have great understandings and great manipulations of doctrines that want to persuade our belief system. Even use those very same scriptures to justify it. However if it doesn’t line up with Gods word in all things then it’s a lie. A little lie will corrupt the whole truth to be a lie. You can’t have one and the other. The light doesn’t mix with the dark. Evil cannot dwell with Holy things.

This is our belief that Paul writes about in Romans. This is the change that comes. Its not just a statement of Faith, it becomes action and change in our Heart that God meets us at and approves of.

The Heart of God is this; do we strive to do His will or not? If close our eyes to sin then we close our eyes to GOD.

How great is our salvation and the love and mercy of God but we need not forget that it comes with great fear and trembling. It’s not going to always be a walk in the park. Look at those who are being greatly tortured and persecuted in places like Syria, Iraq and Nigeria. Look at what closing our eyes to sin causes. It causes changes in social norms that provoke, defy god and mocks Him. It allows antichristian morals values and beliefs to sweep into our country like a tidal wave with such great force and power no one can stop. It allows our elected officials to come against the very grain of belief system of our Jewish / Christian values likes seen never in the history of man.
No one is perfect however what is perfect is God and his word and will stand to every test we can imagine. That is our belief that is what Paul is writing about. That is what true meaning to our belief is and means. Amen!