Galatians 5:17Amplified Bible (AMP)
17 For the sinful nature has its desire which is opposed to the Spirit, and the [desire of the] Spirit opposes the [a]sinful nature; for these [two, the sinful nature and the Spirit] are in direct opposition to each other [continually in conflict], so that you [as believers] do not [always] do whatever [good things] you want to do.
Good Morning and Shalom:
Have you ever heard someone say these words " you don't know my struggle?" Have you ever said them?
Do you know what the difference is between being a victim and to victimize somone else?

In very simple terms, we all have sometype of struggles. Through no fault of your own , you were brought into this world through some kind of condition that has some type of obstacle. Some type of difficulty. You fallen victim to this prey that has you at a disadvantage.
Some how, this thing that has caused this struggle has victimized you. However, in some way you knew to be able to defeat this struggle you needed overcome it. Whatever it is , you no longer have succomed to it. Your a winner . You learned someway to beat it through all the odds.
Now since you overcame this "thing" that had you as a victim and struggling, you realized there are others who also struggle too, like you have. You have also realized there are many who who were not like you and never having to struggle the way you have and will never fall victim to it becuase they are not like you. Maybe they are priviledged or entitled. Maybe they are the very reason you were in the struggle in the first place.
Now in your walk, since you understand the one thing that has caused you this struggle, and victimized you , you now take a new stance and outlook on life. You are not going to allow yourself to fall prey to this thing ever again. In doing so , you now become a person who is hard to deal with. Somone who is very difficult to be around. Somone who doesn't make life easy. Someone who has said they will never let someone take advantage of them again. Instead you have taken full effect and force of many of life opportunities, regardless of how they have been presented to you. You have now become a person who is doing some of the very same things that were once done to you but to others. Maybe those others are the very same type of people who victimized you. It doesnt matter to you because once you were the vicitim but now you will never be the vicitm again . It has become ok to treat those very same people the way you were treated, in turn now becoming the victimizer.
Does this sound familiar?
Have you ever been cheated on in a marriage? Have you in turn cheated after being cheated on?
Have you ever been raped? Do you hate men? Do you take all your frustrations and life harships out on people now? Is everyone now your enemy?
Have you grown up poor and impoverished? Does that mean that everyone who is living a wealthy lifstyle doesn't know what that means?
Are you hated because your Jewish or black ? Do you lash out at other people because they are not your color or religious affiliation?
Do you allow these things to mistreat other people? That is the question!!!!
Because if you do, I would suggest you take a good hard look inside and your walk in Christ and see if meets the Galatians chapter 5 list of what will and will not inherent the Kingdom Of God and Heaven.
Are you stubborn?
Are you hard ?
Do you cause dissention and discord?
How about quarrels ?
I very much assure you my friend, for which Paul the apostle, talks about very candidly and the writer of Galations chapter 5, these things and their likeness will NOT make it into GODS Kingdom and Hevean.
Spiritual warfare is the thing most Christians do not understand. It is important to know for which by what spirit comes to you. Is it Holy and pure or is it unclean and causes problem? We are told to test the spirit by the spirit. A good tree cannot bare bad fruit and likewise a bad tree cannot bare good fruit.
What type of fruit are you producing?
As Christian , to be Christ like, we are to know and understand the difference. Although we as Christians are not to be punching bags for someone else , were are charged to be humble and our strength is drawn from the Christ's humility. This is not an easy thing , however , it is where our strength comes from.
We are to allow people to make their choices. We cannot force anything upon anyone. We step out of the way and allow God to open up the doors that were not able to open in our own strength through surrender, prayer, fasting and repenting. Allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you. Allowing the Holy spirit to use you to show others how to navigate this walk of life with its struggles in shalom that only God gives..
That's the difference and the real victory of Christ. To not repeat the sin, or causing one to sin. To overcome as Christ has through his grace and mercy which is undeserved. To show others to not to continue in the same sin that has once been done to you. To stop the cycle of it . That is real victory. It stops you from being a victim and to victimize someone else. In turn it will teach you to the love and mercy of GOD.
Sin loves company. Have you ever heard the saying misery loves company? So does sin. It wants to do nothing but continue on a cycle of destruction. Whereas the things of God ,for which is Holy and pure, want nothing more but to free you from the bondage of this sin and destruction.
Something to think about!
Shalom and amen!
Your Brother In Christ
Your Brother In Christ
Definition of struggle
1: to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition struggling with the problem
2: to proceed with difficulty or with great effort struggled through the high grassstruggling to make a living
- 1: to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition struggling with the problem
- 2: to proceed with difficulty or with great effort struggled through the high grassstruggling to make a living
Definition of victim
- 1: a living being sacrificed to a deity or in the performance of a religious rite
- 2: one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent the schools are victims of the social system: such asa (1) : one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions a victim of cancer a victim of the auto crash a murder victim (2) : one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment a frequent victim of political attacksb : one that is tricked or duped a con man's victim
Definition of victimize
transitive verb
- 1: to make a victim of
- 2: to subject to deception or fraud : cheat
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