Galatians 5:17-21Amplified Bible (AMP)
17 For the sinful nature has its desire which is opposed to the Spirit, and the [desire of the] Spirit opposes the [a]sinful nature; for these [two, the sinful nature and the Spirit] are in direct opposition to each other [continually in conflict], so that you [as believers] do not [always] do whatever [good things] you want to do. 18 But if you are guided and led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the Law. 19 Now the practices of the [b]sinful nature are clearly evident: they are sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality (total irresponsibility, lack of self-control), 20 [c]idolatry, [d]sorcery, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions [that promote heresies], 21 envy, drunkenness, riotous behavior, and other things like these. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:22-23Amplified Bible (AMP)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is . Against such things there is no law.
Shalom and Good Morning:
I wanted to write this blog for some time because it is something that is very important to our daily walk In YHVH (יְהוָה) ( God the Father) Through our walk in Yeshua HaMosiach ( ישוע
המשיח = Jesus Christ =God's Salvation = God's Anointed One / Holy One of Israel) and the Ruach Hakodesh (רוח
הקודש= Holy Spirit).
Sometime ago, I went through a very bitter and ugly divorce. I remember how upset and angry I was . I recall the emotions I went through and not understanding how to handle each emotion as they would come. I also recall how it affected me , my children and everyone around me. It was a very rough time to navigate a daily walk as a Father , son, brother, employee, and friend.
Fortunately as much hurt, pain, anger, betterness etc. the list could go on, I started to read the bible and get back to basics. I realized many things , however , I want to point out the very basic understanding that YHVH has outlined for us to live. There is a list in Galations chapter 5 that is outlined, in there , for this very reson and how to live and navigate through the muck and the mire of the sinful nature of this world.
I actually printed this scripture out and taped it to my mirror in the bathroom so I can be reminded of what is of the flesh and what is of the spirit.
The great and interesting thing to this, we are charged as believers by Jesus himself to test each spirit by the spirit to see from which it comes. To know if we are living a Godly life or tempted by the desires of this world for which WILL NOT INHERENT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!
The scirpture is posted above but here is the list again that will not get us into heaven and the kingdom of God . It is from the father of lies, Satan himself . He is a destroyer of our souls:
The word of God states there is no limits to these things. This list is small becuase it doesn't need much to show what pleases God. However it comes with discipline.
Sometime ago, I went through a very bitter and ugly divorce. I remember how upset and angry I was . I recall the emotions I went through and not understanding how to handle each emotion as they would come. I also recall how it affected me , my children and everyone around me. It was a very rough time to navigate a daily walk as a Father , son, brother, employee, and friend.
Fortunately as much hurt, pain, anger, betterness etc. the list could go on, I started to read the bible and get back to basics. I realized many things , however , I want to point out the very basic understanding that YHVH has outlined for us to live. There is a list in Galations chapter 5 that is outlined, in there , for this very reson and how to live and navigate through the muck and the mire of the sinful nature of this world.
I actually printed this scripture out and taped it to my mirror in the bathroom so I can be reminded of what is of the flesh and what is of the spirit.
The great and interesting thing to this, we are charged as believers by Jesus himself to test each spirit by the spirit to see from which it comes. To know if we are living a Godly life or tempted by the desires of this world for which WILL NOT INHERENT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!
The scirpture is posted above but here is the list again that will not get us into heaven and the kingdom of God . It is from the father of lies, Satan himself . He is a destroyer of our souls:
- sexual immorality- (any sex outside of a marriage between a man and a women)
- impurity
- sensuality (total irresponsibility, lack of self-control)
- idolatry
- sorcery
- hostility
- strife
- jealousy
- fits of anger
- disputes
- dissensions
- factions [that promote heresies]
- envy
- drunkenness
- riotous behavior
- and other things like these
This is a very hard and strong list. It is very easy to fall into one of this things . Are you Having sex outside of Marriage ? The Biblical understanding of Marriage is between and Man and a woman.
Are you in a relationship but not having sexual intercourse but doing many other things that is either very similar to sex but pleases each other sexual desire, however, is not the actual act of sex ? Is it sexual?
Do you game all the time? Are you on the Facebook etc all the time, Trolling social media and internet? Do you look at Pornography? Do you read magazines ,books, look at media , videos that set pornagraphic images in your mind?
Do you talk with with pornagraphic words? Is your speach full of vulgararities?
Do you treat certain people differently then others? Do you talk about them behind there backs? Do you cause problems or arguments? Are you hard to get along with?Do you joke in a mean way? Are you always sarcastic? Do you talk and not listen? Is communication one way only?
Do you manipulate people and situations to get what you want? Do you want something that you don't have or dosen't belong to you? Are you hard and cold? Have you caused people hurt even if you intended not too?
Do you drink alcohol just to drink alcohol to get buzzed or drunk? Do you have sometype of alcohol drink in your hand when your out just to show social acceptability?Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you Get High? Do you go to clubs to dance and to be somewhat sexual ? Rub up on other people?
Do you over eat? Over indulge?
Do you go out just to get into fights? Do you go out to look for for a one night stand? Do you cause problems between people?
Please understand this list can go on and on. The constant understanding to this list and its theme is " Self." What are you doing to gratify yourself? Do you put self in front of all things to fulfill its wants and desires? If so , sit back and look at this list of self, you will see and find that the self satisfaction will be contuous and continue to grow for more and more. So much more that your desires and wants can become unrestrained. Thinking that there is nothing you can't do, when truly there limits to everything in life.
I recall when in my heart I said to God there is nothing I can't do or have. I felt like there were no limits. I was very arrogant. I wouldn't listen to my children and there requests. The were always upset with me. This was very hurtful to them.
God is about love, and his Love is translated through very strict dicipline. It is His discipline and his limits that pours out into eternal realms.
It is written here in Galations Chapter 5 how to be disciplined in a Holy and Pure way before YHVH:
- love [unselfish concern for others]
- joy [inner] peace
- patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting]
- kindness
- goodness
- faithfulness
- gentleness
- self-control

Like an athelete training for his contest or event.
Or dancer who wants to perfect their moves before their audiance and their partner.
Maybe you hold a office or position in your Job that is very important and many temptions to look the other way or be biased to one group and the not the other. It takes discipline to be consistant in your position you hold. It takes discipline to report to work on those days you just don't want to work.
I personally like lifting weights and exercising. It takes discipline for me to get up everyday to be consistant and going to the gym. If I skip too many days , I will feel the effects of it . It causes me to lose the foward momentum and start over.
This is what the writer is saying and showing us that every moment in our life is disciplined not for us but for our father in Heaven. It is a moment to moment walk. In return he rewards us openly with things that are only from Him . Its beyond our understanding. His peace will be revealed in us and through us. Amen! Shalom and have great day!
If you need a bible, I will send you one free as a gift. If you need prayer or have a request please call or email. To contact me, my prayer line and contact information are on the top right of this blog.
In Service to Yeshua Hamoshiach
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