Good Morning And Shalom:
As I was growing up in Miami, Florida, My parents always attended Temple, Our family participated with all the Jewish Festivals and feasts, attended Hebrew School and everything that was cultural as to be a Jew growing up in South Florida.
However, all these things that I was doing and being required to do as well as learning about who GOD was , I had no relationship with GOD. The only time I would pray it was in Temple reciting prayers laid out for me in Hebrew and in the English. It was always like a bad song over and over.
What I learned is this from this time frame: I learned that people around me in and out of Temple never reflected anything that seemed to be how a Godly person was suppose to be. I always related Jewish people to a sort of a complaining people. Everything seemed to be always wrong. That most Jews I knew were either sick and always going to the Doctor or there was always something wrong.

The interesting thing is one of my best friends' and his family were Christian. In fact, his life and his family had a great impact on me. They were constantly praying at home and reading their bibles. They even seemed a little weird always inviting me to places. They lived to a higher standard not doing things that were wrong and seeming to live a Godly life. They never tried convert me to Jesus not once, however they would always tell me the reasons that they would live a certain way.
Fast Forward , when I did come to the belief in Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) many years later far removed from my childhood friends and his family, it was a strange adjustment in many ways. Changing my life and the way I lived was easy but dealing with friends and family was hard. Even dealing with my wife made things hard.
I think the hardest adjustment was now finding a place to go to so that I can worship and pray and grow in Yeshua HaMoshiach. Going to different churches and different congregations. It was all new in many ways.
The one thing I knew and learned at a greater levels is this , that my spiritual walk and growth depends on my independent need and yearning to want to learn and grow. It was how bad I wanted it . So I say to you , God is not dead or silent. He does want and require many things from us. However, he never forces our choices.
The main point to this blog today is this, many of us go astray and away from God because we don't know HIM. We don't know Him for ourselves. We don't pray with open hearts and minds. We don't examine our daily walk.
Many religious organizations will tell you what they believe is the best way, but the best way is to learn for yourself. Open you bible and read about who He is and what He requires. In doing that He will guide you. However only if you ask, seek , knock .
See the two links below of testimony of Jews in Israel and even a son Of a well known Rabbi coming into a relationship with Yeshua Hamoshiach. They are powerful testimonies and stories . I ask you to watch them to the end.
Please understand , I now embrace my Jewish faith and culture at greater levels especially my relationship with GOD at the highest in my life.
In Service to Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus Christ )
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