1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
Love Endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious: love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. It is not rude: it is not selfseeking, it is not provoked or overly sensitive and not easily angered: it does not take into account a wrong endure. It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth, when the right and truth prevail. Love bears all things regardless of what comes, believes all things, looking for the best in each one, hopes all things, remaining steadfast during difficult time, endures all things without weakening. Love never fails , it never fades nor ends.
Shalom and Good Morning:
What is this thing we call life? What is the breath in our lungs? Who has control over it? What is the difference between good and evil, wickedness and purity? Who defines it? Who has measure over it?
If man continues to make mistakes and bad choices, where is the center of perfection? Who controls it? What is the meaning to life itself ?

If Im a man, can control only my choices, then I have to understand the meaning of life is to measure it against what is perfect and solid and never changes. Where can I find this measure? Who has it?Where is it written?
Lord God you are perfect in all your ways and never change. Your love is more perfect and everlasting. You give us perfect understanding in your scriptures and tell us to make it it simple and become a child. To love unconditionally and not have to worry in your love. Your love is everlasting. Your religion is perfect: to take care of the widows and the orphans. Our reward is handed down to us through the generations when love wins out.
I thank you for blessing of a new day and new way that was here from the begining.
The meaning of life is simple. To know everyday is a gift and to love unconditionally!
Love never changes and is everlasting. It always forgives and hope for all of the best things for you in the most pure form. Love never wishes wrong and will be there when we fall to lift us up. Love is something that is given to each of us from our Creater and the Creater of Love Himself. YHVH.
Your ways are higher and greater than our ways. Your sight is clear to us . We can only thank you for each new moment you give to us dialy. Moment by moment.
Your the Great " I am!" Im letting go and give me one more chance . Your strength is my strength. Thank you for your ways. Thank you for the antonment of the Blood and sacrifice of your son in your true love for us all Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus Christ ), Amen!
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