The Eyes of the Lord are Everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
Proverbs 15:6
The House of the Righteous ( Lord's Righteousness not ours) contains great treasure, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
Shalom and Good Morning:
Just wanted to bring some thought to the table this morning. Sowing and Reaping plays a huge part in our daily lives. What you sow you will reap. What you Plant must grow, to be harvested sooner or later. If you grow bad fruit you will harvest it. If you Grow good fruit it also will be harvested.
What I have noticed in my own walk, and with people around us, is how the scriptures take place in our lives daily.
How do we just live the scriptures out? How do I walk it out and in regards to people around me?
I want a lot of things to happen for me, in my life, all the time, however, I have to slow down and pay attention to what I am Sowing to be careful, so I don't reap a bad harvest ( Thorns or thistles).
What I understand as a believer in Yeshua HaMoshiach ( Jesus Christ ), everything I do, God sees this and Loves me with a incomprehensible love, far greater then my simple mind can fathom. However, as a Creator and a Father, He also is a disciplinarian.
He allows our mistakes, he gives us free forgiveness in His Love and mercy, but, in all that we do , there is are consequences in our actions. For Example if I smoke cigarettes the likely hood for me to develope something in my lungs for medical concern goes up greatly.
Also there are, what I term, Pro-sequences. For example if were training for a race and practice running on a regular schedule then the likely hood for me to finish the race and possibly win also goes up.
The same thing goes on in our day to day lives. If I practice upstanding and biblical morals and ethics in my life in all I do , I will Sow and Reap a harvest of Godly Rightousness . I always seem to fail somewhere , when I get upset or angry.
The promises of God are these , if we recognize our failures and sin and bring them to the thrown of God and at His feet, pray for a true heart in His rightousness, He will not Fail us or leave us. He will correct us, so that we can turn from those repeated Failures, and make them no longer ours. So we can start Sowing and Reaping Gods Will in our lives.
If we go down a path of bitterness , anger , or a lifestyle that is not biblical, then we will reap what we have sown.
I have watched people around me show either little to no understanding that God is watching and keeping tabs on our lives, in every detail of our lives. That gives me a good undersatnding to what type of spirit that a person is allowing in their lives, in the way that they deal with people.
Stop and think to yourself what do I practice? Do I practice strife, anger, rage ? Do I over eat, smoke, am I Lazy, curse, watch filthy shows, listen to filthy programs, practice not so truthful work practices at my job? Do I take advantage of people , cut corners , look for the easy way out. Do I , take advice, get advice, try to eat properly, refrain from too much of anything, work hard, practice solid and truthful ethics. Do I try to help people or hurt them?
The scripture states in Ephesians chapter 6 that we dont wrestle with flesh and blood but spiritual principles of wickedness in high places. This is very important to recognize even in our own lives so that we pray for ourselves and others to get themself correct in God's eyes so when correction comes a person can recieve it and turn to God for help.
This is Gods Hand and How he works in everything . We may not see all things and how they turn out however one can rest assured that God is in everything. God's greatest wish for all of us is that none is to persih but to have ever lasting life! Amen! Have a great and blessed day. One day, the day for each of us will end in this life, what is it that you most want to accomplish while you are here? What Treasure would you rather build?
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