1 John 4:1
Beloved, do
not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet];
instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many
false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world.
Shalom and Good Afternoon:
I just wanted to speak about the origins and understanding of the this time called halloween. I will put some links for your own study, that you can make your own mind up. However, I would like to make some points about this day from a perspective point of a bible based believer in God our father YHVH and through His Son Yeshua Hamoshiach our redemption and the Holy Spirit the Ruach Hakodesh.
First off , halloween is not a biblical defined term as Holy for which we get the Holy Spirit or in Hebrew the Ruach Hakodesh. We don't see any biblical terms of holy in regards of any celebration of the dead or spiritually dead.
Holiday defined by merriam- webster dictionary is defined as by a day of being Holy. The word Holy is rooted in a biblical understanding of set apart for GOD the Father.
However , you will find plenty of people who practice witchcraft and other pagan forms of religious acts will define this time frame as a holiday for them and they are active, especially on this day. Please listen to the testimony of this woman who has her own you-tube channel that used to practice witchcraft and now is a follower of Yeshua ( Jesus).
You will find plenty of testimony on the web that this is their high time. The bible attests to the fact there are false spirits and to test them. The spiritual world is a real thing and we are in a war as solider for God the Father in Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus Christ).
Pastor David Platt gives a sermon about how real the spiritual world is and call our attention to scripture 2 kings 6. He also tells us in his preaching lately that more and more Christians are looking like the world and it is hard for people to tell us apart from the world. What message are we sending the world about our faith? What message are we teaching our children and about our faith ? Please listen to the audio below
As followers of Yeshua Hamoshiach , we are called to be holy and set apart from the world . Yes we are in the world but we are not of it. I look at it this way, a house divided can not stand. I can not celebrate what is of God and Holy and then water down what is not holy and not of God. there is no gray line .
There is common sense though , dressing up as little princess and getting candy can have its benefits of fun. However, to acknowledge this on a day that has no connotation for a HOLY GOD and only celebrates the complete opposite of the Love of Christ . Its like celebrating someone having cancer or someone being murdered; or enjoying the things that would cause harm, pain, disease, strife, hate and violence.
The thought is if we water down its true meaning of halloween and go ahead and celebrate the day can we move on in our relationship for Christ and the answer is yes. However there is no kingdom advances in it . It celebrates anything and everything that represents what Christ is not. It represents hate , death , immorality , lusts and everything that is not of the kingdom of GOD.
For me and my house I will follow and celebrate what is of the Lord. Love , purity, humbleness, self control , long suffering and the shalom that only God can gives and the world does not understand.
I don't want to give Satan an open invitation to walk into the door of my temple and home.If anything use this day for pray, praise, fellowship and worship. Break bread with one another and hand out food to someone who is need and teach your children to do the same. Jesus said if you do this for the least of these you do this to me!
God takes his Holliness very seriously. As followers of Christ we should too. We shouldnt bash those who walk in blindness of the dark but to put our hand to those who are in the dark to lead them to the light. Even if it seems like a small thing.
Just because we are followers of Christ doesn't mean we are to be oblivious to things of God either. Jesus said he came to fulfill the law not abolish it. That means we are to walk in the light as He is in the Light. It also means without the Giving of the Torah ( Law /Old Testament) there would not be the Gospels ( New Testament ). The Torah had to be given so that it could be fulfilled. This doesn't mean we can do what we want and the way we want it and just take our salvation lightly. Our salvation comes with fear ( reverence) with trembling before GOD. Our acts of Faith has a far reaching effect on many things we cannot see.
Some food for though and your spiritual bread of growth .
AMEN ( and so it is )
Jay Grebin
Monday, October 29, 2018
Saturday, September 8, 2018
L ' Shanah Tovah / Happy New ( Head of the ) Year !
Leviticus 23:24-25 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
24 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar. 25 Do not do any kind of ordinary work, and bring an offering made by fire to Adonai.’”
Numbers 29:1-2 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
29 “‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you are to have a holy convocation; do not do any kind of ordinary work; it is a day of blowing the shofar for you. 2 Prepare a burnt offering to make a fragrant aroma for Adonai — one young bull, one ram and seven male lambs in their first year and without defect —
Shalom and Good Morning:
I wanted to say Happy New Year (Head of the Year) to all of you and share some thought and resources for the High Holidays that we are entering.
As young Jewish boy growing up in Miami, I never really grasped what it all meant. However, I did what I was told and went to Temple services, and to my Grandparents Home to have a celebration for Rosh Hashanah.
Passover and Rosh Hashanah were my favorite holidays to celebrate at Temple and my Grandparents. It always came with celebrations and plenty of good and sweet food. Of Course grandma’s home always had the best and plenty of it. That’s all it seem to me that it was that time of the year and this is what we did to follow our Jewish Tradition.
Today, I have grown to want to grow close to God and what He has for my Life. These Jewish Traditions have been like a light bulb being turned on for me. To know and study the actual meaning of the these high Holy Days Have grown Close to my Heart and Thankful to God to Have appointed these times for me to Per His Holy instruction ( Torah ) and the Fulfillment of them that have come and TO Come in the Future through The Messiah of God’s Salvation ( Yeshua Ha-Moshiach / Jesus Christ ) .
I encourage you to take time during this appointed time to Reflect on this past year and ask God for Guidance on How to grow closer to Him and His Salvation for this next New Year. Take Time to Fast from the world and seek repentance from those sins that have caused you down fall and those sins that have caused you to hinder others. Ask Good to help you with your Heart on cleansing yourself what you might enjoy in this world that causes you to sin and to understand from those sins and to grow closer to Him.
My Son, who is my youngest Child Fasted with me last year and shared his own experience last Yom Kippur and explained that it was eye opening for him, that we as a people, overeat on a daily basis. That Might sound funny coming from a growing 14 year old however, it was powerful coming from him. God showed me this some years ago that we do overeat and become very much gluttonous here in the USA. He explained how it felt to be able to break his fast and that he was hungry but only could eat a small amount to satisfy his basic need. He at first wanted to eat everything but as he broke his fast he only ate just enough to fulfill need and felt sick to even think about eating anything more than that basic need.
It was great for me to see God Show him that especially during this time and season. I encourage you all to seek God all the time however use this special appointed time to Pray, Study, Rest , Celebrate, Fast , repent and Grow Closer to God and allow yourself through submission of your will to Gods will and experience what God has for you. He loves you more than you can Lover yourself. Amen!
Please see the Links below for some resources to seek your own study.
Jay Grebin
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Breath of Life
Avodah ,Shalom:Just wanted to drop a word on you take a moment to reflect how much G-D loves us.The scripture is Genesis 2:7 KJVAnd the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.In the Hebrew it readsוַיִּיצֶר יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים אֶת־הָֽאָדָם עָפָר מִן־הָאֲדָמָה וַיִּפַּח בְּאַפָּיו נִשְׁמַת חַיִּים וַֽיְהִי הָֽאָדָם לְנֶפֶשׁ חַיָּֽה׃After studying the original words spoken in the hebrew for this verse it brings to life what G-D wants you to know how much He loves you. It says it like this with original hebraic intensity.YVHH ELOHIM (Creator Alpha Omega of all our needs and provision) formed man from dust of the ground ( pressed together ADA'M from the lowest material on the earth), and breathed into the nostrils the breath of life( breathed and imparted and pre-ordained G-d's living spirit of life of all the days of your life) and man (ADA'M or man became living or imparted life a new being).So G-d pre-ordained your entire life from the beginning of man and was his gift to us of life to fellowship with him eternally!May this be a blessing to all of you
Friday, August 3, 2018
Hypocrisy : What is it?
James 1: 22-25
" Be doers of the word , not only hearers only, this is deception of our self. For if any be only a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man a man looking in a mirror , He goes away forgetting what he saw in the mirror. But whoever look into the law of freedon and grace and continues therein, he does not forget the hearing the word of God but is also a doer of the work of God in his own life and in others and this man shall be blessed in his deed and action."
Good Morning and Shalom:
Just some food for thout for our day to begin: The books of instruction ( Torah ) and the books of the Good News ( Gospels ) set us up to win our everyday struggles in our battles of life. It becomes our own choice and will that we have our responsibilities for which we have come to on this road of life.
However, we are being watched on our behavoirs and how we conduct ourselves. Not only by GOD but by the world. To see what kind or person we are . Our behavoirs will reflect us from both the internal and the external.
People can only see the external, however God sees the internal. The way we choose to live and how we live will provide information to others on what kind of person you are.
Are a you person who goes to church and shares the bible and Jesus with others ? Do fast and pray? Do you help with Charitiies? Are the same person who does all these things but is often late to work? Do you use profane language ? Are you having sex outside of marriage? Do you look at pornography? Do you drink alcohol to get drunk or high or buzzed? Do you keep your word , your promises? Do you get abusivily angry? Do you cut people off while driving? Do you throw trash from your car? Are you addicted to smoking , video games, TV ETC?
The fact is we all fail at one time or another. The instruction in James is not to just hear the word of God but also be doers. To live our life on a daily scale. To understand what God wants for your life and ask him for guidance, counsel and wisdon on confirming to be holy and sanctified unto HIM. To help you with your daily struggles. To repent from what you know is sin and turn from those things. If your addicted to some sort of element that leads from God , open your heart up to God and explain it to HIM in prayer and ask for that help in prayer. The fact that you may like sin is not new to God . He wants you to turn from sin so he can bless you in HIS perfect plan.
I often heard people say yes I love God and he Loves me but I choose to do what I want to do. This is true that He does love you but you are not showing in action your love for HIM or the lack of it. Your choosing to do what makes you feel good and not work on that relationship with HIM in being a doer of HIS word. Aagin this is Hypocrisy.
GOD does love us unconditionally however, He wants us from the heart of the matter and to love Him from our hearts. Not to be a hypocrite. God hates hypocrisy as well as anyone else. But to understand this at greater depths is to look at from his eyes and not ours. Amen!
" Be doers of the word , not only hearers only, this is deception of our self. For if any be only a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man a man looking in a mirror , He goes away forgetting what he saw in the mirror. But whoever look into the law of freedon and grace and continues therein, he does not forget the hearing the word of God but is also a doer of the work of God in his own life and in others and this man shall be blessed in his deed and action."
Good Morning and Shalom:
Just some food for thout for our day to begin: The books of instruction ( Torah ) and the books of the Good News ( Gospels ) set us up to win our everyday struggles in our battles of life. It becomes our own choice and will that we have our responsibilities for which we have come to on this road of life.
However, we are being watched on our behavoirs and how we conduct ourselves. Not only by GOD but by the world. To see what kind or person we are . Our behavoirs will reflect us from both the internal and the external.
People can only see the external, however God sees the internal. The way we choose to live and how we live will provide information to others on what kind of person you are.
Are a you person who goes to church and shares the bible and Jesus with others ? Do fast and pray? Do you help with Charitiies? Are the same person who does all these things but is often late to work? Do you use profane language ? Are you having sex outside of marriage? Do you look at pornography? Do you drink alcohol to get drunk or high or buzzed? Do you keep your word , your promises? Do you get abusivily angry? Do you cut people off while driving? Do you throw trash from your car? Are you addicted to smoking , video games, TV ETC?
The fact is we all fail at one time or another. The instruction in James is not to just hear the word of God but also be doers. To live our life on a daily scale. To understand what God wants for your life and ask him for guidance, counsel and wisdon on confirming to be holy and sanctified unto HIM. To help you with your daily struggles. To repent from what you know is sin and turn from those things. If your addicted to some sort of element that leads from God , open your heart up to God and explain it to HIM in prayer and ask for that help in prayer. The fact that you may like sin is not new to God . He wants you to turn from sin so he can bless you in HIS perfect plan.
I often heard people say yes I love God and he Loves me but I choose to do what I want to do. This is true that He does love you but you are not showing in action your love for HIM or the lack of it. Your choosing to do what makes you feel good and not work on that relationship with HIM in being a doer of HIS word. Aagin this is Hypocrisy.
GOD does love us unconditionally however, He wants us from the heart of the matter and to love Him from our hearts. Not to be a hypocrite. God hates hypocrisy as well as anyone else. But to understand this at greater depths is to look at from his eyes and not ours. Amen!
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Today is but a Mist!
James 4 :14-15
What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
Shalom and Good Morning :
Take a moment to read and pray this morning even for just a few minutes love you
https://www.biblegateway.com/p assage/?search=Proverbs+1&vers ion=NKJV
"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."
― Alice Morse Earle
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."
― Mother Teresa
Proverbs 1 verse 33
"But whoever listens to me (Wisdom) will live securely and in confident trust
And will be at ease, without fear or dread of evil."
Take a moment to read and pray this morning even for just a few minutes love you
"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."
― Alice Morse Earle
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."
― Mother Teresa
Proverbs 1 verse 33
"But whoever listens to me (Wisdom) will live securely and in confident trust
And will be at ease, without fear or dread of evil."
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Thought For Today April 21, 2018
Proverbs 21:2
All a mans way seems right ( correct and just) to him (self), But the Lord weighs ( measures what is in the heart ) the heart.
Good Morning and Shalom:
Yesterday is gone, we cant do anything about yesterday....
Tomorrow is not promised .....
Today is the "GIFT" that's why its called the " Present "...
Make today the best one you can ....
Tomorrows are built on what you do today .
All a mans way seems right ( correct and just) to him (self), But the Lord weighs ( measures what is in the heart ) the heart.
Good Morning and Shalom:
Yesterday is gone, we cant do anything about yesterday....
Tomorrow is not promised .....
Today is the "GIFT" that's why its called the " Present "...
Make today the best one you can ....
Tomorrows are built on what you do today .
God see all things, so make your heart pure before him .....
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Sowing and Reaping : The Hand Of God

The Eyes of the Lord are Everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
Proverbs 15:6
The House of the Righteous ( Lord's Righteousness not ours) contains great treasure, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
Shalom and Good Morning:
Just wanted to bring some thought to the table this morning. Sowing and Reaping plays a huge part in our daily lives. What you sow you will reap. What you Plant must grow, to be harvested sooner or later. If you grow bad fruit you will harvest it. If you Grow good fruit it also will be harvested.
What I have noticed in my own walk, and with people around us, is how the scriptures take place in our lives daily.
How do we just live the scriptures out? How do I walk it out and in regards to people around me?
I want a lot of things to happen for me, in my life, all the time, however, I have to slow down and pay attention to what I am Sowing to be careful, so I don't reap a bad harvest ( Thorns or thistles).
What I understand as a believer in Yeshua HaMoshiach ( Jesus Christ ), everything I do, God sees this and Loves me with a incomprehensible love, far greater then my simple mind can fathom. However, as a Creator and a Father, He also is a disciplinarian.
He allows our mistakes, he gives us free forgiveness in His Love and mercy, but, in all that we do , there is are consequences in our actions. For Example if I smoke cigarettes the likely hood for me to develope something in my lungs for medical concern goes up greatly.
Also there are, what I term, Pro-sequences. For example if were training for a race and practice running on a regular schedule then the likely hood for me to finish the race and possibly win also goes up.
The same thing goes on in our day to day lives. If I practice upstanding and biblical morals and ethics in my life in all I do , I will Sow and Reap a harvest of Godly Rightousness . I always seem to fail somewhere , when I get upset or angry.
The promises of God are these , if we recognize our failures and sin and bring them to the thrown of God and at His feet, pray for a true heart in His rightousness, He will not Fail us or leave us. He will correct us, so that we can turn from those repeated Failures, and make them no longer ours. So we can start Sowing and Reaping Gods Will in our lives.
If we go down a path of bitterness , anger , or a lifestyle that is not biblical, then we will reap what we have sown.
I have watched people around me show either little to no understanding that God is watching and keeping tabs on our lives, in every detail of our lives. That gives me a good undersatnding to what type of spirit that a person is allowing in their lives, in the way that they deal with people.
Stop and think to yourself what do I practice? Do I practice strife, anger, rage ? Do I over eat, smoke, am I Lazy, curse, watch filthy shows, listen to filthy programs, practice not so truthful work practices at my job? Do I take advantage of people , cut corners , look for the easy way out. Do I , take advice, get advice, try to eat properly, refrain from too much of anything, work hard, practice solid and truthful ethics. Do I try to help people or hurt them?
The scripture states in Ephesians chapter 6 that we dont wrestle with flesh and blood but spiritual principles of wickedness in high places. This is very important to recognize even in our own lives so that we pray for ourselves and others to get themself correct in God's eyes so when correction comes a person can recieve it and turn to God for help.
This is Gods Hand and How he works in everything . We may not see all things and how they turn out however one can rest assured that God is in everything. God's greatest wish for all of us is that none is to persih but to have ever lasting life! Amen! Have a great and blessed day. One day, the day for each of us will end in this life, what is it that you most want to accomplish while you are here? What Treasure would you rather build?
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