Matthew 10:28Amplified Bible (AMP)
28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Good Morning and Shalom:
I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. The other day after working out , I went into the sauna to unwind for little while. As I was sitting there, I could feel the very hot air around me. This is an uncomfortable feeling for a little while as your body adjusts to it. Its a little hard to breath as well.
I was thinking about how the hot air that had surrounded me was was uncomfortable as sweating and allowing my muscles to unwind. There are signs posted in there with warnings stating to not to be in there for too long. So what was coming to mind were biblical descriptions of Hell.
That the fire is everlasting. The pain of the fire will never cease. It is a place where the worm never dies. It is a place of being eternally separate from God and His Presence. A place of darkness and gnashing of teeth. The descriptions of Hell are many in the bible.

The pain of a fire heat consuming your body eternally and not being able to breath in eternal heat and pain, is a horrible thought. A place of no hope and unquenchable thirst.
For all of us in our existence fire, is very painful to get burned. Our body rejects it immediately and searches without thought for relief. Can you imagine that type of pain without relief.
I was thankful that I was able to leave the sauna after a few minutes. To feel the fresh air and the coolness of it. I was thankful To GOD that I am not in that place nor that I would want to go that place. I was thankful that I haven't felt that type of pain or am I willing to negotiate my life existence in the here and now for that in the eternal.
Its very interesting to look up the word HELL in the bible. There are many references to it. In the King James bible, there are 54 references to it alone. There are many descriptions of it. That is not even mention all the translation from the Hebrew and the Greek.
Vines dictionary defines it by the following:
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
represents the Hebrew Ge-Hinnom (the valley of Tophet) and a corresponding Aramaic word; it is found twelve times in the NT, eleven of which are in the Synoptists, in every instance as uttered by the Lord Himself. He who says to his brother, Thou fool (see under FOOL), will be in danger of "the hell of fire," Mat 5:22; it is better to pluck out (a metaphorical description of irrevocable law) an eye that causes its possessor to stumble, than that his "whole body be cast into hell," Mat 5:29; similarly with the hand, Mat 5:30; in Mat 18:8, 9, the admonitions are repeated, with an additional mention of the foot; here, too, the warning concerns the person himself (for which obviously the "body" stands in chapt. 5); in ver. 8, "the eternal fire" is mentioned as the doom, the character of the region standing for the region itself, the two being combined in the phrase "the hell of fire," ver. 9. To the passage in Matt. 18, that in Mar 9:43-47, is parallel; here to the word "hell" are applied the extended descriptions "the unquenchable fire" and "where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched."
That God, "after He hath killed, hath power to cast into hell," is assigned as a reason why He should be feared with the fear that keeps from evil doing, Luk 12:5; the parallel passage to this in Mat 10:28 declares, not the casting in, but the doom which follows, namely, the destruction (not the loss of being, but of well-being) of "both soul and body."
In Matt. 23 the Lord denounces the scribes and Pharisees, who in proselytizing a person "make him two-fold more a son of hell" than themselves (Mat 23:15), the phrase here being expressive of moral characteristics, and declares the impossibility of their escaping "the judgment of hell," Mat 23:33. In Jam 3:6 "hell" is described as the source of the evil done by misuse of the tongue; here the word stands for the powers of darkness, whose characteristics and destiny are those of "hell."
For terms descriptive of "hell," see e.g., Mat 13:42; 25:46; Phl 3:19; 2Th 1:9; Hbr 10:39; 2Pe 2:17; Jud 1:13; Rev 2:11; 19:20; 20:6, 10, 14; 21:8.
(1) For the rendering "hell" as a translation of hades, corresponding to Sheol, wrongly rendered "the grave" and "hell," see HADES.
(2) The verb tartaroo, translated "cast down to hell" in 2Pe 2:4, signifies to consign to Tartarus, which is neither Sheol nor Hades nor Hell, but the place where those angels whose special sin is referred to in that passage are confined "to be reserved unto judgment;" the region is described as "pits of darkness," RV.
What the Lord has shown me about Hell and going there or not, in simple terms was this; That God created everything to work in certain way . If we live our life according to HIS biblical word in its simple truths then it works out well with us. Like a well oiled machine going along his plan and course. However, if we CHOOSE to go against those things that God had laid out then we are choosing not to be with GOD. So if if we choose this path against GOD , then all the elements of GOD that allow us life and breath and harmony with GOD is removed from us eternally. So in the eternal realm those things are removed and wont allow us HIS Heavenly realm. In turn is the opposite that has to be everything outside of it , that cause pain and suffering, no hope and no return from it. I picture it like a chemistry set. If you use certain elements and mix them you get one outcome and if you mix certain other elements you get another outcome. For example H2O mixed you get water.

We are given truths to living without thought. We need air to breath, we need food to sustain ourselves and the list goes on. The question is how do we go about these simple things when everything seems so complicated. The Bible is the Gods truth given to us . In there we will find its truths in simple terms. It is the most popular book of all time and talked about of all time.
I invite you to Know God and His word through His redemption Through Yeshua Hamoshiach. (Jesus Christ). If you need prayer or a bible please reach out to me . I will send you a bible free. Monday through Friday @ 9-10 am the prayer line is open and every Tuesday 7--8pm. Please see the number at the top right of the blog for prayer and my email for a bible and or anything else.
In Service to Yeshua Hamoshiach
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