
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Rightous Path or the Hatred of YHVH

Shalom and Good morning 

Was thinking of you this morning when reading my scriptures . Today's scripture verse is simple :

Proverbs 14 verse 2

"Those who follow the right path ( Godly/ Biblical ) fear the Lord ; those who take the wrong path ( sinful ) despise Him ( God ) . 

This verse is simple and its because when you choose  on a daily moment to moment basis your choice is simple. Is it of God or not ? The scripture says when you Choose  the Godly path , you revear or fear God; when you don't, you hate God. It's that simple. It's black or white there is no grey area or line. It's one or the other . 

Do we choose to sin or not ?

You have to ask and be truthful with yourself because one day, you alone will have to give an account of your life before the King of Kings. There will be no excuses . 

Sin can be a huge one like sex before marriage or a small one like leaving work early when no one is looking and still getting paid . 

Today is a new day in the Messiah ( Jesus Christ's), his mercies are new, be Glad in them . Choose the king of life today ! Amen !

