
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Bible Truths

Shalom and Good Morning 

Some spiritual food for thought this morning .

Amid a very turbulent year this past year and the embarking of a new US Presidential administration , as people, who are called as followers of Yeshua,  its important to know some fundamental truths . 

Biblical truth number 1.

         Regardless of your political view we are citizens of Gods kingdom first.

The bible tells us ( Psalm 2 )  that the kingdoms of this world will rage against God and his kingdom . It matters not how you feel of this election or who you voted for, they all become void under heaven when the time comes  of the return of Yeshua and His reign ( Revelation 22 / Isaiah 9).

Biblical truth number 2 
During this time frame of a pandemic and a tumultuous time we're living in ,with the riots and protests,  with all the manipulation going on in our government,  in our society, the fact remains , in the book of Isaiah  chapter 5 we are told that in the latter days the good will be called evil and evil will be called good. It should be no surprise to us. What this should do as we see laws change, the societal Norms of what is Wicked to be called good and the good things of what is righteous and godly to be called hate and Evil, these things should open our eyes and grow us closer to God. We should be spending more and more time  in God's word and prayer with God, Meditating about his precepts what he wants for our life and how we should be directed by him

Fundamental Truth 3

It's important to know and understand that we have been created for  a Godly purpose. It doesn't matter what you or believe or what you know , we have no control over the fact that we were created and one day we will have an end here in this world. (Genesis 1;27 / 6;3 )
So regardless of your concept of time ,it is short, precious and  invaluable. Each moment is new, we can't get it back, it's important to not waste time. ITS important to know and understand God's love, mercy AND grace. Especially when it comes to the time that we are given. Time moves on, we should too we should not dwell on the moment past, don't worry about the moment future, but be thankful for the moment present. Mathew 6fundamental truth 3So to summarize Solomon it's all vain without God. {PSALM 127}

            Fundamental Truth 4 

Just remember the world will hate you because because the world has hated him first. ( John 15 )

Just as the world has always hated the Jews first because they were the chosen people to bring forth the word of God. It is the same for the the Christ follower. A true follower of Christ will be A peculiar and set apart person for God and to be prepared,  for tomorrow is not promised, and  do not know the day and time of the rapture or physical death.

Last biblical Truth is the word Amen! (Hebrew word means " so be it  “ has no gender identification)
