1 John 4:1
Beloved, do
not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet];
instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many
false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world.
Shalom and Good Afternoon:
I just wanted to speak about the origins and understanding of the this time called halloween. I will put some links for your own study, that you can make your own mind up. However, I would like to make some points about this day from a perspective point of a bible based believer in God our father YHVH and through His Son Yeshua Hamoshiach our redemption and the Holy Spirit the Ruach Hakodesh.
First off , halloween is not a biblical defined term as Holy for which we get the Holy Spirit or in Hebrew the Ruach Hakodesh. We don't see any biblical terms of holy in regards of any celebration of the dead or spiritually dead.
Holiday defined by merriam- webster dictionary is defined as by a day of being Holy. The word Holy is rooted in a biblical understanding of set apart for GOD the Father.
However , you will find plenty of people who practice witchcraft and other pagan forms of religious acts will define this time frame as a holiday for them and they are active, especially on this day. Please listen to the testimony of this woman who has her own you-tube channel that used to practice witchcraft and now is a follower of Yeshua ( Jesus).
You will find plenty of testimony on the web that this is their high time. The bible attests to the fact there are false spirits and to test them. The spiritual world is a real thing and we are in a war as solider for God the Father in Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus Christ).
Pastor David Platt gives a sermon about how real the spiritual world is and call our attention to scripture 2 kings 6. He also tells us in his preaching lately that more and more Christians are looking like the world and it is hard for people to tell us apart from the world. What message are we sending the world about our faith? What message are we teaching our children and about our faith ? Please listen to the audio below
As followers of Yeshua Hamoshiach , we are called to be holy and set apart from the world . Yes we are in the world but we are not of it. I look at it this way, a house divided can not stand. I can not celebrate what is of God and Holy and then water down what is not holy and not of God. there is no gray line .
There is common sense though , dressing up as little princess and getting candy can have its benefits of fun. However, to acknowledge this on a day that has no connotation for a HOLY GOD and only celebrates the complete opposite of the Love of Christ . Its like celebrating someone having cancer or someone being murdered; or enjoying the things that would cause harm, pain, disease, strife, hate and violence.
The thought is if we water down its true meaning of halloween and go ahead and celebrate the day can we move on in our relationship for Christ and the answer is yes. However there is no kingdom advances in it . It celebrates anything and everything that represents what Christ is not. It represents hate , death , immorality , lusts and everything that is not of the kingdom of GOD.
For me and my house I will follow and celebrate what is of the Lord. Love , purity, humbleness, self control , long suffering and the shalom that only God can gives and the world does not understand.
I don't want to give Satan an open invitation to walk into the door of my temple and home.If anything use this day for pray, praise, fellowship and worship. Break bread with one another and hand out food to someone who is need and teach your children to do the same. Jesus said if you do this for the least of these you do this to me!
God takes his Holliness very seriously. As followers of Christ we should too. We shouldnt bash those who walk in blindness of the dark but to put our hand to those who are in the dark to lead them to the light. Even if it seems like a small thing.
Just because we are followers of Christ doesn't mean we are to be oblivious to things of God either. Jesus said he came to fulfill the law not abolish it. That means we are to walk in the light as He is in the Light. It also means without the Giving of the Torah ( Law /Old Testament) there would not be the Gospels ( New Testament ). The Torah had to be given so that it could be fulfilled. This doesn't mean we can do what we want and the way we want it and just take our salvation lightly. Our salvation comes with fear ( reverence) with trembling before GOD. Our acts of Faith has a far reaching effect on many things we cannot see.
Some food for though and your spiritual bread of growth .
AMEN ( and so it is )
Jay Grebin