Leviticus 23:24-25 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
24 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar. 25 Do not do any kind of ordinary work, and bring an offering made by fire to Adonai.’”
Numbers 29:1-2 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
29 “‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you are to have a holy convocation; do not do any kind of ordinary work; it is a day of blowing the shofar for you. 2 Prepare a burnt offering to make a fragrant aroma for Adonai — one young bull, one ram and seven male lambs in their first year and without defect —
Shalom and Good Morning:
I wanted to say Happy New Year (Head of the Year) to all of you and share some thought and resources for the High Holidays that we are entering.
As young Jewish boy growing up in Miami, I never really grasped what it all meant. However, I did what I was told and went to Temple services, and to my Grandparents Home to have a celebration for Rosh Hashanah.
Passover and Rosh Hashanah were my favorite holidays to celebrate at Temple and my Grandparents. It always came with celebrations and plenty of good and sweet food. Of Course grandma’s home always had the best and plenty of it. That’s all it seem to me that it was that time of the year and this is what we did to follow our Jewish Tradition.
Today, I have grown to want to grow close to God and what He has for my Life. These Jewish Traditions have been like a light bulb being turned on for me. To know and study the actual meaning of the these high Holy Days Have grown Close to my Heart and Thankful to God to Have appointed these times for me to Per His Holy instruction ( Torah ) and the Fulfillment of them that have come and TO Come in the Future through The Messiah of God’s Salvation ( Yeshua Ha-Moshiach / Jesus Christ ) .
I encourage you to take time during this appointed time to Reflect on this past year and ask God for Guidance on How to grow closer to Him and His Salvation for this next New Year. Take Time to Fast from the world and seek repentance from those sins that have caused you down fall and those sins that have caused you to hinder others. Ask Good to help you with your Heart on cleansing yourself what you might enjoy in this world that causes you to sin and to understand from those sins and to grow closer to Him.
My Son, who is my youngest Child Fasted with me last year and shared his own experience last Yom Kippur and explained that it was eye opening for him, that we as a people, overeat on a daily basis. That Might sound funny coming from a growing 14 year old however, it was powerful coming from him. God showed me this some years ago that we do overeat and become very much gluttonous here in the USA. He explained how it felt to be able to break his fast and that he was hungry but only could eat a small amount to satisfy his basic need. He at first wanted to eat everything but as he broke his fast he only ate just enough to fulfill need and felt sick to even think about eating anything more than that basic need.
It was great for me to see God Show him that especially during this time and season. I encourage you all to seek God all the time however use this special appointed time to Pray, Study, Rest , Celebrate, Fast , repent and Grow Closer to God and allow yourself through submission of your will to Gods will and experience what God has for you. He loves you more than you can Lover yourself. Amen!
Please see the Links below for some resources to seek your own study.
Jay Grebin