Recently I had a very vivid dream of Rockets being launched and something more interesting was that the Actor Martin Sheen was something of a Presidential Figure with-in this dream. I wanted to share some thoughts about this dream and what the real connection could be hypothetically and in real time.
Outside of this dream that I experienced, we are seeing in real time a nuclear threat with North Korea being focused on, as well as heavy talk from our political leaders to political leaders inside Iran about the Nuclear Deal that was made by the previous administration being carefully looked at to be pulled out of by the USA.
With all this talk , to my own, not so surprised to have a dream about missles being launched. The real surpise to me is that of Martin Sheen in the dream having a connection within the dream. So I looked up Martin Sheen's movies and He played a role as Robert Kennedy, the then US General Attorney brother to President John Kennedy in the movie called " The Missles of October." A docudrama about the cuban missle crissis.
That is what caught my attention about this dream. We know that the cuban Missle crisis had connections with russian missles being stage right off the USA coastline about 90 miles away in cuba. This was a huge and great threat to America.
We also know factually that Russia has partnered up in Syria, in real time, with Iran to help recover Syria. We also know that many of the groups fighting in the Syrian civil war are trying to overthrow the sitting regime . We know that the previous US Presidential Administration helped fund many of the rebels groups that took part in this civil war. The Group known as ISIS grew out of the Sryina Rebel forces and had made another agenda too. Russia has teamed up with Iran in Syria to help restore Assad as well as destroy ISIS.
We also know that Iran, North Korea as well as Syria have been trading , selling and helping each other with Missle technology, Chemical weapons and nuclear enrichment for weapons technology to be placed on a nuclear warheads . All these are factual events happening in realtime.

Its interesting that the times we are living in are seeming like a repeat of History to me. Growing up in South Florida , I was born in the late 60's all I heard about for many years was the Cuban missle crisis. Now seemingly again its the same type of crisis, just not in Cuba.
For me , what I do know , is that I am not to take any of these events lightly. Its just more confirmation about living a Holy and Godly life. About walking with God. Being prayerful about all the events unfolding. Praying for the needs of those who are in need and for our protection and salvation in Yeshua Hamoshiach ( Jesus Christ). Yeshua stated when we see these things to look up our redemption draws near ( Luke 21:28)! These are the very real and serious times of knowing that God hold all things together and He is looking for you to walk with Him. Amen!